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+1 (800) 896-9879





We Offer Translation, Interpreting, Immigration Petition Completion,

Notary & Loan Signing Services

The global necessities to communicate effectively is a service that Alex Medina (Director-Owner) has been able to keep up with by obtaining a Qualification as a Medical Interpreter, Immigration Consultant and recently becoming certified as a

Loan Signing Agent and obtaining her commission as a Notary Public with the State of California.


Ofrecemos Servicios de Traduccion, Interpretacion, Solicitudes de Inmigracion, Servicios de Notary Public y Documentacion de Prestamos Hipotecarios

La comunicacion efectiva son ya ahora una necesidad global y su directora-dueña Alex Medina ha obtenido la calificacion como Interprete/Traductora del area Medico-Salud y como consultor de Procesos de Inmigracion agregando recientemente servicios al obtener su certificacion como agente verificador de actos hipotecarios y con su comision como Notary Public con el Estado de California.


Translation & Interpreting

Our main focus is to provide quality services that stand out and separate us from the crowd.  It is of utmost importance to provide excellent service and obtain periodic feedback from our clientele to receive constructive feedback and provide great performance.



Notary Public & Loan Signing Services

Notary Public services can range from a Loan Consolidation to completing an Affidavit of Death, an Acknowledgement, a Health Directive or a Power of Attorney form.  We have various years of experience in notarial documents.

Any typo, mistake, omission or oversight can affect the whole Notarial signing process sometimes in irreversible ways.  That is why we make sure that all of the documentation is reviewed with careful detail and that the

appointment is not performed in a rushed manner. 



Immigration Petitions

Our initial immigration petitions process training began more than 20+ years with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 commonly known as the Simpson-Rodino Bill.  We take pride in all of our government document completion services.

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